
Well, at the beginning of the year I thought I was going to blog more. That didn’t happen. But something I HAVE done more of this year is PAINT. And experiment.

I recently started a “100 day project.” It didn’t take long for my eyes to be opened to a subtle change in my studio. In my heart. Over the last year I have “perfected” a process. My abstract process has functioned as a way to get my creative juices flowing even when I was’t feeling inspired. It was a way to get myself painting even when I had no idea “what” to paint. My process was something I could fall back on, with security. What the 100 day project opened my eyes to, was a list of unspoken rules I’d placed on myself. I had begun setting boundaries that limited my creativity. I stopped emotionally connecting with my work.

While painting has continued to be a source of healing and freedom for me, my heart wasn’t connecting with my work in the way I know it can. So, on day 17 of the project, my paintbrush shifted.

I stopped telling myself I wasn’t going to be just another floral artist. I let myself paint something I love with my whole heart. And now I know why. Flowers represent two things to me: beauty and growth. Out of this shift in mindset a collection of wildflowers has been born. For over a year I had toyed with the idea of wildflowers but I kept on making excuses why I shouldn’t paint them.

Well friends, on August 16th . . . they’re here. And they’re BEAUTIFUL. And I haven’t been this excited about something in a while.

Many of these works have been a continuation of my 100 day project, while others have been pieces I dreamed up when I just couldn’t stop painting. The collection, like most of my works, combines watercolor, chalk pastels, and heavy body acrylics to create beautiful abstract florals. While some flowers are recognizable, others are wild, coming straight from my own hands and imagination. The works are all on paper, ranging from 3.5x5 inches to 18x24 inches, so the sizes are all over the map. I wrestled hard on whether to frame the works or not, but finally landed on a vintage frame OPTION, where I’ll hand pick a frame for the collector’s piece if they so desire.

See you August 16! Email list subscribers will shop first! Sign up here.

Process videos of the wildflower collection
can be seen on Instagram, click below.


Today, I’m feeling brave


remodel photos